Source code for pyrodeo.state

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Definition of State class used in pyrodeo.

The State class holds density, velocity and sound speed for a pyrodeo simulation

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np

[docs]class State(object): """Construct state holding density, velocity and sound speed for a pyrodeo simulation. Args: dens (ndarray): 3D ndarray containing density. velx (ndarray): 3D ndarray containing x velocity. vely (ndarray): 3D ndarray containing y velocity. velz (ndarray): 3D ndarray containing z velocity. soundspeed (ndarray): 3D ndarray containing sound speed. Note: No checks are performed whether density, velocity and sound speed are valid arrays. They should all have the same shape, the same as the arrays of :class:`.Coordinates`. The following public attributes are available: Attributes: dens (ndarray): 3D ndarray containing density. velx (ndarray): 3D ndarray containing x velocity. vely (ndarray): 3D ndarray containing y velocity. velz (ndarray): 3D ndarray containing z velocity. soundspeed (ndarray): 3D ndarray containing sound speed. no_ghost (ndarray): 3D ndarray flagging whether a cell is a ghost cell (=0) or an internal cell (=1) """ def __init__(self, dens, velx, vely, velz, soundspeed): self.dens = dens self.velx = velx self.vely = vely self.velz = velz self.soundspeed = soundspeed self.no_ghost = np.full(np.shape(dens), 1) if len(dens[:,0,0]) > 1: self.no_ghost[:2,:,:] = 0 self.no_ghost[-2:,:,:] = 0 if len(dens[0,:,0]) > 1: self.no_ghost[:,:2,:] = 0 self.no_ghost[:,-2:,:] = 0 if len(dens[0,0,:]) > 1: self.no_ghost[:,:,:2] = 0 self.no_ghost[:,:,-2:] = 0
[docs] @classmethod def from_dims(cls, dims): """Construct State from grid dimensions. Construct State given grid dimensions, creating arrays of the correct size with standard (physical) values. Args: dims (int, int, int): Dimensions of the grid in x, y and z. """ if len(dims) != 3: raise TypeError('Expexted dimensions to have two elements') if (dims[0] < 1 or dims[1] < 1 or dims[2] < 1): raise ValueError('Need all dimensions to be larger than zero') dens = np.full(dims, 1.0) velx = np.full(dims, 0.0) vely = np.full(dims, 0.0) velz = np.full(dims, 0.0) soundspeed = np.full(dims, 1.0) return cls(dens, velx, vely, velz, soundspeed)
[docs] @classmethod def copy(cls, other_state): """Construct state from other State. Set this instance of State equal to an other State, performing an explicit copy. Args: other_state (State): State from which to copy. """ dens = np.copy(other_state.dens) velx = np.copy(other_state.velx) vely = np.copy(other_state.vely) velz = np.copy(other_state.velz) soundspeed = np.copy(other_state.soundspeed) return cls(dens, velx, vely, velz, soundspeed)
[docs] def transpose(self, axis_order): """Change axis order for all fields.""" self.dens = np.transpose(self.dens, axis_order) self.velx = np.transpose(self.velx, axis_order) self.vely = np.transpose(self.vely, axis_order) self.velz = np.transpose(self.velz, axis_order) self.soundspeed = np.transpose(self.soundspeed, axis_order) self.no_ghost = np.transpose(self.no_ghost, axis_order)
[docs] def swap_velocities(self, dim): """Swap two velocities.""" if dim == 1: tmp = self.velx self.velx = self.vely self.vely = tmp if dim == 2: tmp = self.velx self.velx = self.velz self.velz = tmp